Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I was sitting on a plane flying home from Detroit, MI, gazing out the window at the endless line of blue with the fading sun. The flight started at sunset and as we sped through the troposphere heading west I couldn't help but think we were chasing that falling sun. With that thought came a new one.

My job allows me to travel almost every week and I return late Saturday nights and on most of these flights I see the same spectacle of the prolonged sunset. It is a view that now reminds me of heading back. Returning to where I truly want to be. Home. Home has many different meanings for people. To some, its a physical location of there temporal dwelling. To others it has a spiritual meaning. The place where their heart is. Where they are comfortable, at peace, or happy. I decided to write my thoughts here using both those meanings under the title of "Chasing The Falling Sun" because that's where I'm at in my life. I am searching for love, career success, spiritual growth and it will probably be extremely boring to read, sorry. I am not writing this for any particular person or purpose more than to share my quest to catch up to the light and make it home. So sit back, throw on a pair of noise canceling headphones and get lost in the sliver of heaven where the white fades to blue, purple and then to black as I sort through my thoughts.

I took this picture from my airplane window last Saturday (May 14, 2011) flying home from Atlanta, GA.


  1. Jay! I didn't know you were a writer - and a really good one at that! I'm so intrigued, please keep writing! Love your blog background too, did you choose it or did someone design this for you?

  2. You are always home with us. We love you. Mom and Dad
